Crabtree Infants' and Junior School

Crabtree Infants' and Junior School

Making A Difference



Our Equality Policy can be found here


Equality Practice at Crabtree School

Equality Statement
Every school, university and other public authority is required by government to have an “Equality Duty”.


What is the Equality Duty?

The general Equality Duty requires our school to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other prejudicial conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it

To help us meet the general duty we have specific duties to:

  • Publish in an accessible way at least annually information that demonstrates compliance with the general Equality Duty
  • Prepare and publish in an accessible way, at least every four years, one or more specific and measurable objectives which we think will help us meet the aims of the general Equality Duty.


The protected characteristics referred to in the duty are:

  • age, disability, gender reassignment
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation
  • Marriage and civil partnership.

How are The Crabtree Schools meeting the Equality Duty?
We are actively:

  • implementing an “Equality Scheme” and “Equality Action Plan”
  • reviewing other relevant policies to ensure these are compliant with our Equality Duty
  • reviewing our approach to assessing the impact on equality by analysing pupil assessment data for all vulnerable groups
  • updating our information, guidance and training for governors, pupils and staff
  • producing and maintaining an “Equality Log” that provides good evidence of Equality Practice at The Crabtree Schools
  • Publishing relevant information for each protected characteristic showing how we are meeting the duty. This information includes statistical data on: age, disability, race & sex.


We deliver the following strategic equality objectives:

  • Review progress of children by race, gender and disability and implement interventions in response. Gaps in progress between gender, disability and ethnicity monitored.
  • Review and develop our SMSC (Spritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) curriculum ensuring that decisions are made which represent the wider community and world we live in and develop an understanding and tolerance of different communities.
  • Review curriculum coverage to explore how teaching related to protected characteristics is planned for.
  • To further improve disability access to all relevant areas of the school (for children, parents and staff).
  • Review our stakeholder communication procedures to ensure that all voices have the opportunity to participate in the Trust's policies and action (relative to protected characteristics) and that the profile of Equality matters remains high.
  • Review how effectively British Values are promoted and reflected within school life and our relationships with our local community.
  • Publish information to show how the school meets the aims of the general public sector equality duty.
  • To enhance employment and volunteer opportunities, identifying and addressing any barriers to the recruitment and development of staff or volunteers of all protected characteristics.














